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Welcome to the Soldotna Public Safety
Communication Center
Non-Emergency number for
State Troopers/Soldotna PD/Medic/Fire 907-262-4453
For any type of emergency call 911. Give your location, address if possible including nearby town or mile marker, and the nature of the emergency. Provide the phone number you are calling from in case the call becomes disconnected so that we may call you back. Stay on the line until told that you may hang up. Remain calm and answer as clearly as possible any questions asked. If you have questions of a non-emergency nature, please call 262-4453 and listen to the options. This non-emergency line provides phone options for requesting records, evidence custodian, and Alaska Bureau of Investigations.
When to Call 911
911 should be called IMMEDIATELY for any emergency which is threatening to life or property.
This includes crimes in progress, medical problems, suspicious persons or activities, and fire emergencies.
Past criminal offenses, drug activity, and domestic problems can also be reported on
All other non-emergency requests for service (past incidents, parking violations, animal problems, found property, etc.) should be directed to our administrative line:
The Dispatcher speaking with you may have many questions to ask depending upon the nature of the problem. It is very important for them to obtain as much information as possible, in the interests of responder safety or to provide the correct level of medical response. If you are reporting a fire emergency, you will be instructed to remain on the phone if it is safe for you to do so. If the Dispatcher asks you to stay on the line until responders arrive, please do so! This will assist them in keeping the police or rescue squad updated as the situation you are reporting unfolds.